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. 2023 Apr 27;36(5):593–600. doi: 10.1177/19714009231173110

Table 1.

Patient demographics, CTM findings, subsequent interventions, and clinical follow-up. Positive findings are highlighted in bold. R: right; L: left; FOV: field of view; NST: nerve sheath tear; CVF: CSF-venous fistula; BP: blood patch; h/a: headache.

Gender (M/F) Age Side down CTM findings Renal contrast Time b/w DSM-CT (min) Intervention (BP, ligation, embolization) F/U after intervention (days) Symptom improvement
M 52 R R L3 NST no 23 Targeted BP with fibrin 32 Resolution of h/a
M 37 R R T10 and T11 NST no 20 Targeted BP with fibrin (had dynamic CTM with similar findings) 58 Resolution of h/a
Rebound intracranial hypertension
M 57 R R T11 CVF no 18 R T11 + L T8 ligation 102 Resolution of h/a
M 49 L L L2 CVF yes 15 Embolization after targeted BPs 52 Transient 3 weeks improvement after BPs,
Stable improvement after same level embolization
F 34 R R T7 NST yes 20 BP no fibrin 316 Resolved h/a
Rebound intracranial hypertension
M 43 R Outside FOV, puncture at L3-4;
yes 20 Targeted BP with fibrin 150 Improved h/a
M 58 R Outside FOV, puncture at L3-4;
L4-5 extradural contrast, CVF at surgery
yes 21 Targeted BP with fibrin 159 Transient improvement 3 months after BP, lost to follow-up after laminectomy
M 61 L L T7 NST yes 14 Targeted BP with fibrin 371 Resolved h/a
M 50 L L T9 CVF yes 12 Venous embolization 62 Resolved h/a
F 58 L L T9 CVF yes 30 Venous embolization 57 No significant improvement
F 35 L L NST T10 and T11 yes 18 no n/a n/a
F 46 R R T4 and T10 CVF yes 11 R T4 + T10 ligation 557 1-year improvement, h/a recurred
F 36 R R T3 CVF yes 11 Multifocal BP no fibrin 21 no significant improvement
M 69 R R T4-6 CVF yes 19 BP interlaminar T4-5, T7-8 365 Essentially resolved
F 56 L L T4 CVF no 42 BP no fibrin 40 Transient improvement 2 weeks
F 58 L Outside FOV, puncture at L1-2;
R L2-3 CVF
yes 22 BP no fibrin 145 Transient improvement 1 week
F 36 L L T2 CVF yes 30 Targeted BP with fibrin 14 Transient improvement 1 week
F 48 L Bilat C7-T1 CVF no 18 BP interlaminar C7-T1 97 Transient improvement 5 days
F 63 R L3 CVF yes 11 Targeted BP with fibrin 7 Transient improvement 3 days
F 28 L L T12 CVF yes 25 Targeted BP with fibrin 112 Transient improvement 3 days
F 28 R R T11 CVF yes 10 Targeted BP with fibrin 112 Transient improvement 3 days
F 52 R R L4 CVF yes 25 Root packing 131 No improvement
F 35 R R T1, T9, T11, T12, L1, L2 NST yes 16 Targeted BP with fibrin 348 No improvement
F 63 L L T10, L T12 CVF yes 12 BP interlaminar T10-11 12 No improvement
F 50 R R T11 CVF yes 12 Targeted BP with fibrin 425 No improvement
F 26 L L T11 CVF no 17 No n/a n/a
F 17 L L T11 CVF no 20 No n/a n/a
M 51 L L T4 CVF no 36 No n/a n/a
F 63 L L T1 and T11 CVF no 13 No (more definitive leak on the other side) n/a n/a
M 61 R R T6, T12, L2 CVF yes 13 No (more definitive leak on the other side) n/a n/a
F 58 R R T12, L2 CVF no 11 No (more definitive leak on the other side) n/a n/a
F 65 R R T2 CVF yes 24 BP no fibrin 438 Significantly improved
F 86 R R T7 NST yes 40 BP no fibrin n/a n/a
F 44 R R T8 CVF yes 25 BP interlaminar T8-9 n/a n/a