A) Gene model of TGGT1_238895 (IMC43) showing the endogenous 3xHA tag fused to the C-terminus for localization studies. B) The cell-cycle expression profile for TGGT1_238895 closely matches the cyclical pattern of the known daughter IMC protein IMC29. RMA = robust multi-array average [24]. C) IFA showing that TGGT1_238895 is undetectable in mature parasites. Magenta = anti-HA detecting TGGT1_2388953xHA, Green = anti-IMC6. D) IFA showing that TGGT1_238895 localizes to daughter buds and colocalizes with IMC6. Magenta = anti-HA detecting TGGT1_2388953xHA, Green = anti-IMC6. E) IFA of budding parasites showing that TGGT1_238895 is excluded from the apical cap, marked by ISP1. Magenta = anti-HA detecting TGGT1_2388953xHA, Green = anti-ISP1. F) IFA showing that IMC43 recruits to the daughter IMC before IMC6. Magenta = anti-HA detecting IMC433xHA, Green = anti-IMC6. G) IFA showing that IMC43 recruits to the daughter IMC before ISP1. Arrow points to the mother cell apical cap. Asterisk indicates daughter buds. Magenta = anti-HA detecting IMC433xHA, Green = anti-ISP1. H) IFA showing that IMC43 recruits to the daughter IMC at the same time as FBXO1. Magenta = anti-Ty detecting IMC432xStrep3xTy, Green = anti-HA detecting FBXO13xHA. I) IFA showing that IMC43 recruits to the daughter IMC at the same time as AC10. Magenta = anti-HA detecting IMC433xHA, Green = anti-Ty detecting AC102xStrep3xTy. J) IFA showing that IMC43 recruits to the daughter IMC at the same time as IMC32. Magenta = anti-HA detecting IMC433xHA, Green = anti-V5 detecting IMC323xV5. Scale bars = 2 μm.