A) IFA showing that the daughter IMC protein IMC29 is unaffected by depletion of IMC43. Magenta = anti-V5 detecting IMC293xV5, Green = anti-IMC6. B) IFA showing that the apical cap marker AC10 is unaffected by depletion of IMC43. Arrows point to the apical cap of daughter buds. Magenta = anti-V5 detecting AC103xV5, Green = anti-IMC6. C) IFA showing that the basal complex marker MORN1 is unaffected by depletion of IMC43. Arrows point to the basal complex of daughter buds. Magenta = anti-V5 detecting MORN13xV5, Green = anti-IMC6. D) IFA showing that the conoid and subpellicular microtubules still assemble on nascent daughter buds when IMC43 is depleted. Arrows point to daughter bud conoids. Magenta = transiently expressed Tubulin1-GFP, Green anti-IMC6. E) IFA showing that centrosome duplication continues when IMC43 is depleted. Centrosomes, marked by Centrin1, appear to duplicate and associate with daughter buds and dividing nuclei. Parasites forming more than two daughter buds also form more than two centrosomes. White arrow points to a single parasite containing two centrosomes (normal). Yellow arrows point to single parasites containing three or more centrosomes (abnormal). Magenta = anti-Centrin1, Green = anti-IMC1, Blue = Hoechst. F) IFA showing that nuclear division and centrosome duplication continue after 40 hours of IAA treatment. Magenta = anti-Centrin1, Green = anti-IMC1, Blue = Hoechst. Scale bars = 2 μm.