Fig. 2. MRI for global reference.
The figure shows results for 150-μm isotropic RMS FLASH MR images with RMS calculated across four echo times (TE = 5.65, 11.95, 18.25, and 24.55 ms) for a flip angle of 20°. (A) A sagittal section that is zoomed into Broca’s area showing infra- and supragranular gray matter contrast. (B) A zoomed-in sagittal frontal section of the same brain sample with vessels that are blurred and have reduced contrast. The blurring is due to B0 field inhomogeneity, while the reduced contrast is due to B1 transmit field inhomogeneity. We also show vessels postdistortion correction that are well preserved and have high contrast, demonstrating the effectiveness of the correction methods. (C and D) An axial and sagittal slice before and after B1 receive intensity bias correction. The intensities are visibly more uniform after bias removal. a.u., arbitrary units.