Fig. 3. OCT analysis.
(A) Schematic rendering of the OCT apparatus. LS, light source; PC, polarization controller; OC, optical circulator; PBS, polarizing beam splitter; PBS, polarization beam splitter; RR, retroreflector; LP, linear polarizer; QWP, quarter wave plate; GALVO, galvo mirror; BD, balanced detector; TL, telescope; OBJ, objective. (B) An example XY slice of the OCT volume intensity (left) and zoom-in view of the highlighted window (right, dimension = 1.5 mm by 1.5 mm). Scale bar, 1 mm. (C) 3D rendering and orthogonal views of the blood vessel segmentation of the OCT volume using the Frangi filtering method. Top left: 3D rendering. Top right: YZ view. Bottom left: XY view. Bottom right: XZ view. Scale bar, 1 mm.