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. 2023 Sep 12;9:32–37. doi: 10.1016/j.ijregi.2023.09.002

Table 2.

Knowledges and information status on HBV infection and transmission modes.

Knowledge Items Correct answer overall
N=901 (%)
Correct Answers, n (%)
n=227 (%)
n=415 (%)
n=259 (%)
Have heard of HBV infection 324 (36%, 33-39) 91 (40.1%, 33.7-46.8) 129 (31%, 26.7-35.8) 104 (40.2%, 34.1-46.4)
 Through media 28 (3.1%, 2.1-4.5) 6 (2.6%, 1.0 - 5.7) 15 (3.6%, 2.0-5.9) 7 (2.7%, 1.1-5.5)
 Family members 42 (4.7%, 3.4-6.2) 17 (7.5%, 4.4-11.7) 13 (3.1%, 1.7-5.3) 12 (4.6%, 2.4-8.0)
 At school 61 (6.8%, 5.2-8.6) 19 (8.4%, 5.1-12.8) 23 (5.5%, 3.5-8.2) 19 (7.3%, 4.5-11.2)
 At hospital 53 (5.9%, 4.4-7.6) 10 (4.4%, 2.1-8.0) 27 (6.5%, 4.3-9.3) 16 (6.2%, 3.6-9.8)
 Others 70 (7.8%, 6.1-9.7) 18 (7.9%, 4.8-12.2) 29 (7.0%, 4.7-9.9) 23 (8.9%, 5.7-13.0)
Hepatitis B is caused by a virus 54 (6.0%, 4.5-7.7) 3 (1.3%, 0.3-3.8) 26 (6.3%, 4.1-9.0) 25 (9.7%, 6.3-13.9)
HBV can be transmitted 235 (26.1%, 23.2-29.1) 55 (24.2%, 18.8-30.3) 91 (21.9%, 18% - 26.2) 89 (34.4%, 28.6-40.5)
 By saliva 136 (15.1%, 12.8-17.6) 30 (13.2%, 9.1-18.3) 62 (14.9%, 11.6-18.7) 44 (17.0%, 12.6-22.1)
 By blood 38 (4.2%, 3.0-5.7) 3 (1.3%, 0.3-3.8) 24 (5.8%, 3.7-8.5) 11 (4.2%, 2.1-7.5)
 Sexually (if unprotected) 85 (9.4%, 7.6-11.5) 15 (6.6%, 3.7-10.7) 38 (9.2%, 6.6-12.4) 32 (12.4%, 8.6-17.0)
 By sweats 4 (0.4%, 0.1-1.1) 0 (0%, 0.0-1.6) 1 (0.2%, 0.0-1.3) 3 (1.2%, 0.2-3.3)

HASG: Hôpital de l'Amitié Sino-Gabonaise; HBV: hepatitis B virus; HRAB: Hôpital Régional Amissa Bongo; SMI: Service de Santé Maternelle et Infantile.