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. 2023 Oct 8;49:101278. doi: 10.1016/j.ijcha.2023.101278

Table 1.

Strengths and weaknesses of Cardiac Biomarkers for ICI Related Myocarditis.

Biomarkers Strengths Weaknesses
Troponin-I High sensitivity
Early increase to peak levels within hours of initial presentation. Good for early diagnosis.
Widely available
Can indicate myocardial injury from other causes e.g. ACS
Macrotroponins can cause false positive troponin measurements
Confounders e.g. renal function may complicate interpretationLow specificity
Troponin- T High sensitivity
Peak within days after initial presentation, increase persist for months. Good for late diagnosis.Stronger prognosticator for MACE compared to troponin I and CK
Can indicate myocardial injury from other causes e.g. ACS
Less available than Tropinin I
Macrotroponins can cause false positive troponin measurements
Confounders e.g. renal func-tion may complicate inter-pretationLow specificity
Creatinine kinase High sensitivityEarly increase to peak levels within hours of initial presentation. Good for early diagnosis. Low specificity
Natriuretic peptides Widely availableHigh sensitivity Low specificity e.g. can be increased in supraventricular arrhythmias
CK-MB Widely available
Early increase
Shorter time courseMore specific for myocardial damage than CK
Low sensitivity
AST High sensitivity
Routinely measured
Can be helpful with detecting ICI-induced hepatotoxicityElevated in ICIRM
Low specificity
ALP High sensitivity
Routinely measured
Can be helpful with detecting ICI-induced hepatotoxicityElevated in ICIRM
Low specificity
CPK High sensitivity for acute myocarditis
Moderate specificity
Early increase to peak levels within hours of initial presentation, thus providing early indication for development of myocarditis
Routinely measured
Associated with rapid decline following initiation of immunosuppressive treatment, therefore useful to monitor effectiveness of treatmentElevated in ICIRM
Decreases rapidly with acute episodes
LDH Routinely measuredMarkedly elevated in ICIRM Low specificity