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. 2023 Oct 12;330(19):1852–1861. doi: 10.1001/jama.2023.20737

Table 3. Characteristics of RBC Transfusion Events.

Variable Total RBC events (n = 1727)a
Time of administration during daytime hours (07:30 am-6:00 pm) 1063 (62.9)
Certification level of transfusion requestor
Intensivist 1055 (61.1)
Resident, specialist in training 326 (18.8)
Specialist nonintensivist practicing ICU 252 (14.6)
Specialist nonintensivist outside ICU 74 (4)
Nurse 12 (<1)
Other 8 (<1)
Student 0
Primary medical specialty of transfusion requestor
Anesthesiology 818 (47.7)
Intensivistb 390 (22.7)
Internal medicine 236 (13.8)
Surgery 180 (10.5)
Pulmonology 48 (3)
Cardiology 27 (2)
Other (ie, emergency medicine, neurology) 17 (1)
No. of RBC units per event, median (IQR) 1 (1-2)
Hemoglobin levels
Threshold predefined, median (IQR), g/dLc 8.0 (7.0-9.0)
Restrictive (<7 g/dL) 299 (17.3)
Intermediate (7-9 g/dL) 430 (24.9)
Liberal (>9 g/dL) 459 (26.6)
No threshold stated 539 (31.2)
Before transfusion, g/dLd 7.7 (1.6)
Post transfusion, g/dLe 9.1 (1.5)
Hb level increase after transfusion, median (IQR), g/dLf 1.2 (0.7-2.0)
Change in Hb level (between Hb prior and stated Hb threshold), g/dLg −0.7 (1.5)
As part of massive transfusion protocol 43 (3)
Whole blood (no isolated RBC available) 54 (3)
Reason for RBC transfusion (multiple options possible)h
Low Hb value 1412 (81.8)
Active bleeding 479 (27.7)
Hemodynamic instability 406 (23.5)
Improving general state 142 (8.2)
Improving peripheral oxygen 115 (6.7)
(New) coronary ischemia 69 (4)
Presurgery 67 (4)
Age of patient 60 (4)
Other 47 (3)
Improving weaning 43 (3)
Part of clinical trial 6 (<1)
Exchange transfusion 2 (<1)
No. of reasons 1 (1-2)
Trigger for RBC transfusion (multiple options possible)h
Hypotension 728 (42.2)
No physiological trigger affected the decision to transfuse 682 (39.5)
Tachycardia 474 (27.4)
Increased lactate levels (>2 mmol/L) 308 (17.8)
Acidosis 204 (11.8)
Arrhythmia 70 (4)
Other 66 (4)
Venous oxygen saturation <65% 36 (2)
Central venous oxygen saturation <65% 30 (2)
ECG changes 23 (1)
No. of triggers 1 (1-2)

Abbreviations: ECG, electrocardiogram; ED, emergency department; Hb, hemoglobin; ICU, intensive care unit; RBC, red blood cell.


Presented as No. (%) for frequency data, median (IQR shown 1st-3rd quartile borders) for non-parametric and mean (SD) for parametric numerical variables.


Intensivist training differs worldwide; whereas in some countries, training starts with another medical specialty (ie, surgery, anesthesiology, internal medicine), some countries offer a special intensivist training program. The latter is hereby noted as intensivist.


The Hb value at which an RBC transfusion is advised as stated in the ICU’s protocol or, in the absence of a protocol, the expert’s opinion for that patient.


The most recent Hb value before the RBC transfusion was administered, within 4 hours prior to the decision to transfuse.


The first Hb level measured after RBC transfusion within 24 hours.


Calculated as the difference between the measured Hb level before and after RBC transfusion.


Calculated as the difference between the measured Hb level before and the Hb threshold. A negative change in Hb level may insinuate protocol adherence (ie, the measured Hb level was below the stated threshold), whereas in case of a positive value, the threshold had not yet been reached.


Factors that contributed to the decision to transfuse, consisting of either clinical reasoning (reasons) or physiological parameters (triggers).