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. 2023 Oct 13;23:368. doi: 10.1186/s12883-023-03403-3

Table 2.

Levels and progression of each exercise station

Exercise station Level Safety modifications Sensory level Speed level (metronome) Dual-task level

Tai Chi (10 min):

prayer wheel, cat walk, cloud hands

1 UEs on counter/chair None None None
2 Hands hovering or near the wall None None None
3 No UE support None None None

Kayaking (5 min):

basic stroke

1 Seated Eyes open Slow: 25 bpm None
2 Standing leaning against the counter Eyes closed Medium: 35 bpm Easy level (cognitivea, motorc)
3 Standing without support Foam pad Fast: 45 bpm Hard level (cognitiveb, motord)

Agility (15 min):

footwork drill, speed skater, toe taps

1 UE support on chair or counter None None None
2 No UE support Sunglasses None Easy level (cognitivea, motore)
3 No UE support + movement Foam pad None Hard level (cognitiveb, motorf)

Boxing (5 min):

jab/cross/upper cut combo

1 Standing leaning against counter Eyes open metronome can be used None
2 Standing without support Eyes closed metronome can be used Easy level (cognitivea)
3 Standing without support + stepping Foam pad metronome can be used Hard level (cognitiveb)

Lunges (5 min):

clock stepping

1 UE support on chair or counter Eyes open metronome can be used None
2 No UE support Sunglasses metronome can be used Easy level (cognitivea, motorg)
3 No UE support + head rotation R/L with each step Foam pad metronome can be used Hard level (cognitiveb, motorh)

Strength and Flexibility (15 min):

sit to stand, bridge, shoulder release, cobra, trunk extension, cat camel

1 Bed None None None
2 Floor transfer with UE None None None
3 Floor transfer without UE support None None None

Abbreviations: UE Upper extremities, R Right, L Left

acognitive task: verbal fluency (e.g., naming animals, countries, fruits, girl/boy name) and serial subtraction (3 or 7 starting at 100)

bcognitive task: serial subtraction (3 or 7 starting at 5000), counting backwards, spelling backwards, saying alphabet backward, naming a girl/boy name for every letter of the alphabet, repeating back each name each time (e.g., A Annabel, A Annabel B Becky, A Annabel B Becky C Catthy, etc.)

cmotor task: march in place

dmotor task: march in place with knee kick

emotor task: ball toss/catch

fmotor task: balance ball on the cone with movement

gmotor task: reach in the direction of the step

hmotor task: ball catch