Figure 3.
SERCA inhibition by polyarginine CPPs is not dependent on phospholamban. Oxalate-supported Ca2+ uptake and SR Ca2+ leak were examined in homogenates isolated from the left ventricles of PLB knockout (KO) mice. Comparison was made between untreated homogenates (Ctr) and homogenates incubated with TAT, Arg9, or Arg11 in the absence (A) or presence (B) of attached, scrambled cargo. Ca2+ uptake, leak, and releasable Ca2+ were assessed, as described in Figure 2 (see Methods). Data are presented as mean ± SEM. Statistical analyses were performed by one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s post hoc correction. p values are indicated versus Ctr. NS = not statistically significant. nruns in Ctr, TAT, Arg9, Arg11 = 58, 12, 17, 15; nruns in Ctr, Arg9-cargo, Arg11-cargo = 58, 9, 10 in homogenates from 9 hearts.