IC1: The papers should focus on skin disease or cancer detection or segmentation or classification |
EC1: Publications that are not focused on skin disease and cancer detection or classification or segmentation. |
IC2: The papers should include different types of diseases, mainly skin cancer or melanoma. |
EC2: Publications not peer-reviewed, abstracts, editorial letters, book reviews, and scientific reports. |
IC3: The papers should be published in reputable journals with an impact factor and indexed in the Web of Science or Scopus or recognized conference proceedings. |
EC3: M.Sc. and Ph.D. theses, posters, and seminars. |
IC4: The studies should be written in English. |
EC4: Studies that are published prior to 2020 except for Section 1 and Section 4. |
IC5: Publication year for Section 1 and Section 4 can be any year of publication. |
EC5: Skin disease detection and classification based on case studies. |
IC6: The publication year for study paper to be included in the systematic review must be between 2020 and 2023 |
EC6: Study papers that are not peer-reviewed and journals that are not indexed in the Web of Science or Scopus. |