Relationship between weight gain of ≥3 kg and each lifestyle factor during the mild lockdown in all students. * p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01. † Non: nondrinker or nonsmoker, Ex: ex-drinker or ex-smoker. § Occasion: occasional smoker. || Daily: daily smoker. OR: odds ratio. WG: weight gain group (students who responded that they experienced a weight gain of ≥3 kg in the 2021 survey about weight change from before to during the mild lockdown). Non-WG: non-weight-gain group (students who were excluded in the WG group from the total, i.e., those who responded that they experienced a weight gain of <3 kg, no weight change, weight loss of <3 kg, or weight loss of ≥3 kg in the 2021 survey about weight change from before to during the mild lockdown). Error bars indicate 95% confidence intervals.