Figure 1.
The protein content (g/100 mL of milk) of the human milk and infant formulas studied. Abbreviation: HM-I—human milk (I stage of lactation), HM-II/III—human milk (II and III stage of lactation); IF-A-1/IF-B-1/IF-C-1—infant formulas from different manufacturers for the first feeding; IF-A-2/IF-B-2/IF-C-2—infant formulas from different manufacturers for the follow-on feeding. Means with different letters (a,b,c/A,B,C) are significantly different (p < 0.05). Means a,b,c specify differences between HM-I, IF-A-1, IF-B-1, and IF-C-1; means A,B,C specify differences between HM-II/III, IF-A-2, IF-B-2, and IF-C-2. Values marked with * indicate differences in protein content between breast milk from the 1st and 2nd/3rd lactation period or between the first and follow-on infant formulas.