PILO-SE mice experience recurring spontaneous seizures. A, Experimental timeline, in which adult mice are administered PILO to induce acute status epilepticus. Immunohistochemistry and in vitro electrophysiology are performed ∼6 weeks following PILO-SE, when mice exhibit spontaneous, recurring seizures. B, PILO treatment results in acute mortality (114 of 411 mice, 27.7%), minor seizure activity without status epilepticus (133 of 411 mice, 32.4%), or status epilepticus (164 of 411 mice, 39.9%). C, Seizures were captured through continuous video-EEG recordings, with four screw electrodes positioned over the frontal cortex (FC), left hippocampus (LHC), right hippocampus (RHC), and occipital cortex (OC). D, Seizure occurrence frequency for one mouse, illustrating the typical clustered pattern of spontaneous recurring seizures. E, A representative seizure, with highly synchronized and large-amplitude activity visible across all four electrodes. F, A time–frequency representation of the seizure in E, illustrating the increase in power across ∼1–50 Hz.