Illustrations of design and performance of multi-material polymeric lattice materials. (a) Demonstration of the design and mechanical properties of honeycomb structures made of PLA and TPU (Reproduced with permission from [109]. Copyright 2022, Elsevier). (b) Demonstration of the effect of varying the volume fraction of the soft phase embedded into the stiff CFRP members on its storage modulus and intrinsic damping (Reproduced with permission from [106]. Copyright 2020, Elsevier). (c) Demonstration of the improvement in compressive strength, uniaxial modulus, and SEA of re-entrant and hexagonal lattice materials due to embedding glass/fiber reinforcement into nylon structures (Reproduced with permission from [86]. Copyright 2022, Elsevier). (d) Demon-stration of the designs and the mechanical properties of multi-material SU lattice materials (Re-produced with permission from [110]. Copyright 2022, Elsevier).