Table 1.
American Community Survey variable descriptions and table identification (ID) numbers a
Variable | Description | Table ID no. |
Racial and ethnic minority | Individuals self-identifying as Black or African American, American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander, and Hispanic or Latino, inclusive of individuals who identified as “other” or “>2 races” | B03002 |
Black or African American | Total population self-identifying as Black or African American of any ethnicity | B03002 |
Hispanic or Latinx | Total population self-identifying as Hispanic or Latinx of any race | B03002 |
Age | Total population aged ≥65 years | B01001 |
Poverty status | Total population aged 20-64 years who are living below the federal poverty level | S2301 |
Poverty status among people aged ≥65 years | Total population aged ≥65 years with annual household income below the federal poverty level | B17001 |
Education | Total population aged 25-64 years without a high school degree | S2301 |
Unemployment | Total population aged ≥16 years who are unemployed | S2301 |
Data source: US Census Bureau. 24