Table 3.
CMT patients (n = 253) | Controls (n = 58) | p value | |
1. Cannot get to sleep within 30 min, n (%) | 154 (61%) | 34 (59%) | n.s |
2. Wake up in the middle of the night or early morning, n (%) | 221 (87%) | 43 (74%) | n.s |
3. Have to get up to use the bathroom, n (%) | 184 (73%) | 39 (67%) | n.s |
4. Cannot breathe comfortably, n (%) | 80 (32%) | 6 (10%) | 0.010 |
5. Cough or snore loudly, n (%) | 126 (50%) | 30 (52%) | n.s |
6. Feel too cold, n (%) | 125 (49%) | 13 (22%) | 0.002 |
7. Feel too hot, n (%) | 150 (59%) | 20 (34%) | 0.007 |
8. Have bad dreams, n (%) | 136 (54%) | 25 (43%) | n.s |
9. Have pain, n (%) | 177 (70%) | 25 (43%) | 0.003 |
10. Other reasons, n (%) | 48 (19%) | 8 (12%) | n.s |
Cramps, n (%) | 7 (3%) | 0 | n.s |
Anxiety/stress, n (%) | 34 (13%) | 6 (10%) | n.s |
Paresthesias, n (%) | 7 (3%) | 1 (2%) | n.s |
P values for significant difference are reported in bold
CMT Charcot–Marie–Tooth disease, ns not significant
*p value calculated using the Fisher’s exact test. p values were adjusted using the Bonferroni correction