Q1. “Since the last assessment, did you smoke any cigarette?” with response options Yes or No. |
Smoking detection algorithm providing time stamps (e.g., a timestamp could pertain to 2:00PM on January 4, 2022) at which cigarette smoking was detected. |
Skip Logic: IF response to Q1=Yes, THEN proceed to Q2 and Q3; ELSE do not proceed to Q2 or Q3. |
Q2. “How many cigarettes did you smoke that you did not record?” |
Q3. “How long ago did you smoke the first cigarette?” and “How long ago did you smoke the most recent cigarette?” Both of these questions provide response options in terms of the following intervals of time: 0–2 hours, 2–4 hours, 4–6 hours, 6–8 hours, 8–10 hours, 10–12 hours, more than 12 hours