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. 2023 Aug 7;22(10):e13948. doi: 10.1111/acel.13948


Conventional cell lines and primary cells used to screen for senolytic activity.

Cell name Morphology Tissue of origin Reasons for use Screening examples
WI‐38 Fibroblast Human lung First cell line used to study replicative senescence, well‐characterized senescence phenotype and established senescence induction methods Chang et al. (2016); He, Li, et al. (2020); Li et al. (2019); Moaddel et al. (2022); Wang et al. (2016)
IMR‐90 Fibroblast Human lung Similar properties to WI‐38 and commonly used as an alternative cell line Guerrero et al. (2019); Wakita et al. (2020); Yosef et al. (2016); Zhu et al. (2017)
Human umbilical vein endothelial cell (HUVEC) Endothelial Vein of human umbilical cord Well‐established senescence induction methods, cells senesce quickly following serial passage, established model for aging endothelial cells and vasculature Kusumoto et al. (2021); Zhu et al. (2017); Zhu et al. (2015)
Human dermal fibroblasts (HDFs) Fibroblast Human skin Well‐established senescence induction methods, used as a model for studying skin tissue dysfunction Cho et al. (2020); Go et al. (2021); Kim et al. (2022); Lammermann et al. (2018)
BJ fibroblasts Fibroblast Human foreskin Well‐established senescence induction methods, used as a cellular model of skin aging Hubackova et al. (2019); Ozsvari et al. (2018)
Ercc1 −/− mouse embryonic fibroblasts Fibroblast Embryos of pregnant Ercc −/ Δ mice Mutation in ERCC1 DNA repair protein is associated with a rapid aging phenotype, cells senesce quickly following exposure to atmospheric O2, used as an in vitro precursor to senolytic trials in the Ercc −/ Δ mouse model of human progeroid syndrome Fuhrmann‐Stroissnigg et al. (2017); Yousefzadeh et al. (2018)
Preadipocytes Fibroblast Human adipose Senescent preadipocytes are abundant in human tissue and contribute to impaired adipogenesis and age‐related metabolic dysfunction Zhu et al. (2015)
Annulus fibrosus and nucleus pulposus cells Fibroblast Human intervertebral discs Senescent cells from intervertebral discs contribute to inflammation and back pain Cherif et al. (2019); Cherif et al. (2020)
Various cancer cell lines Various Various (breast, lung, brain, liver, mouth, pharynx) Senescent cells are a feature of tumors and contribute to cancer progression and treatment resistance, common anti‐cancer therapies induce cellular senescence Hubackova et al. (2019); Samaraweera et al. (2017); Triana‐Martinez et al. (2019); Troiani et al. (2022); Yang, Tian, et al. (2021)