Time‐lapse analysis of NF‐κB‐driven EGFP reporter activity in A549
kB cells where cytokinesis failure was induced by treatment with ZM (2 μM) or DHCB (4 μM). Single cells were imaged every 20 min using IncuCyte life cell imaging technology. Left, representative images of A549
kB cells 48 h after starting the treatment. Scale bars: 10 μm. See also Movies
[Link]. Right, EGFP integrated fluorescence intensity of individually tracked cells was measured over time. Time zero was determined as the moment of cytokinesis failure (CF) of each individual cell analyzed. Dashed lines indicate the integrated EGFP intensity of the cells at time zero that was used to calculate the fold‐change over time. Solid lines indicate the mean EGFP integrated fluorescence intensity of the cells 24 h after failing cytokinesis. An
n ≥ 10 cells per condition were followed individually in a single experiment, data points represent means ± SEM.