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. 2022 Mar 11;2(1):100043. doi: 10.1016/j.aopr.2022.100043

Table 4.

Postoperative Aberrations, Visual Quality and Angle Alppha and Kappa results in the two study groups for 4 ​mm pupil. Data are presented as mean ​± ​SD.

Satisfied patients (N ​= ​32) Unsatisfied patients (N ​= ​28) P Bonferroni adjusted P
RMS (μm) 0.64 ​± ​0.68 0.6 ​± ​0.29 0.77 1.0
Strehl 0.08 ​± ​0.08 0.05 ​± ​0.04 0.03∗ 0.24
MTF 0.24 ​± ​0.07 0.25 ​± ​0.1 0.31 1.0
Higher order terms
HORMS (μm) 0.32 ​± ​0.37 0.22 ​± ​0.13 0.09 0.72
HO Strehl 0.19 ​± ​0.15 0.11 ​± ​0.14 0.14 1.0
HO MTF 0.39 ​± ​0.11 0.4 ​± ​0.11 0.66 1.0
Angle Alpha distance (mm) 0.38 ​± ​0.16 0.39 ​± ​0.16 0.59 1.0
Angle Kappa distance (mm) 1.35 ​± ​1.34 1.55 ​± ​1.46 0.47 1.0

RMS ​= ​root mean square; HORMS ​= ​higher order root mean square; MTF ​= ​modulation transfer function; SA ​= ​spherical aberration; ∗statistically significant difference between preoperative and postoperative values at a ​= ​0.05 level; P: difference between the two groups using the Mann- Whitney U test.