Cell migration
assay. Compound 13 suppresses cell
migration of 344SQ lung adenocarcinoma cells (LH2b is highly expressed).
A) Migrated 344SQ cells (WT and LH2 KO) in Boyden chambers were imaged
after treatment with vehicle control (blank) and 20 μM of 13. B) Migrated 344SQ cells were counted after treatment with
vehicle control (blank), 5 μM, and 20 μM of 13. Triplicates were performed for each condition, and the migration
assay was repeated twice independently. When compared to 344SQ-WT
cells treated with vehicle control (blank), 5 μM, and 20 μM
of 13, a two-sided Student’s t-test analysis gave values of p = 0.000006, 0.001,
and 0.07 for the corresponding concentrations of 13 in
344SQ LH2KO cells, respectively.