Fig. 1.
HRs and 95% CI of late-life hypertension on incidence of AD by FOXO3 longevity genotype (L) and common genotype (C). The p value (top right) shows statistical significance for interaction of HTN2 with FOXO3 genotype. The analysis compared the hazard ratios (HR) of HTN2 versus NT with incident AD between subjects with FOXO3-C and FOXO3-L. HR and 95% CI were computed using the least square means estimated from the multivariate full Cox model, i.e., including late-life HTN2, FOXO3 genotype, and the interaction term of HTN2 with FOXO3 genotype, adjusting for baseline variables: age, education (years), APOE ɛ4, CASI score, BMI, smoking (pack-year), alcohol drinking (ounces/month), physical activity index, plasma glucose, and prevalent diabetes, CHD, stroke, and depressive symptoms. HTN2 refers to data for subjects with SBP/DBP ≥160/95 mmHg or the self-reported use of anti-hypertensive medications.