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. 2023 Oct 7;40:100928. doi: 10.1016/j.lanwpc.2023.100928

Table 3.

Characteristics of Australians resident in aged care, aged 65+ years overall and according to vaccine doses received at 1 January 2022.

Mean age (SD) Unvaccinated (N = 10,927)
1 dose (N = 5004)
2 doses (N = 72,740)
3 doses (N = 88,857)
4 doses (N = 102)
Total (N = 177,630)
85.3 (8.5)
84.9 (8.2)
85.2 (7.8)
86.1 (7.9)
85.0 (8.1)
85.7 (7.9)
N % N % N % N % N % N %
Age group (years)
 65–79 2749 25.2% 1310 26.2% 17,042 23.4% 18,224 20.5% 28 27.5% 39,353 22.2%
 80+ 8178 74.8% 3694 73.8% 55,698 76.6% 70,633 79.5% 74 72.5% 138,277 77.8%
 Men 3635 33.3% 1840 36.8% 25,709 35.3% 28,347 31.9% 51 50.0% 59,582 33.5%
 Women 7285 66.7% 3160 63.1% 47,002 64.6% 60,465 68.0% 54 52.9% 117,966 66.4%
State of residence
 New South Wales 2758 25.2% 1372 27.4% 22,367 30.7% 32,013 36.0% 46 45.1% 58,556 33.0%
 Victoria 2046 18.7% 957 19.1% 17,093 23.5% 25,238 28.4% 25 24.5% 45,359 25.5%
 Queensland 3025 27.7% 1276 25.5% 15,201 20.9% 15,517 17.5% 10 9.8% 35,029 19.7%
 Others 3102 28.4% 1401 28.0% 18,081 24.9% 16,088 18.1% 26 25.5% 38,698 21.8%
No. of comorbiditiesb
 0 3222 29.5% 1051 21.0% 12,584 17.3% 15,800 17.8% 21 20.6% 32,678 18.4%
 1 2881 26.4% 1257 25.1% 17,852 24.5% 22,742 25.6% 22 21.6% 44,754 25.2%
 2 2497 22.9% 1206 24.1% 19,179 26.4% 23,819 26.8% 33 32.4% 46,734 26.3%
 3+ 2325 21.3% 1492 29.8% 23,129 31.8% 26,495 29.8% 33 32.4% 53,474 30.1%
No. of GP visits in year prior
 0–10 2561 23.4% 1004 20.1% 12,320 16.9% 16,745 18.8% 14 13.7% 32,644 18.4%
 11–20 3035 27.8% 1375 27.5% 20,587 28.3% 22,634 25.5% 30 29.4% 47,661 26.8%
 21–30 2376 21.7% 1153 23.0% 17,337 23.8% 20,299 22.8% 18 17.6% 41,183 23.2%
 31–40 1397 12.8% 683 13.6% 10,778 14.8% 12,763 14.4% 14 13.7% 25,635 14.4%
 41–50 836 7.7% 446 8.9% 6130 8.4% 8181 9.2% 13 12.7% 15,606 8.8%
 51–70 576 5.3% 281 5.6% 4425 6.1% 6530 7.3% 6 5.9% 11,818 6.7%
 71+ 143 1.3% 65 1.3% 1163 1.6% 1701 1.9% 3 2.9% 3075 1.7%
Influenza vaccine in 2021 3978 36.4% 2559 51.1% 45,796 63.0% 54,650 61.50% 54 52.9% 107,037 60.3%
COVID-19 vaccine primary doses branda
 Pfizer (BNT162b2) 3486 69.7% 49,490 68.0% 84,222 94.8% 93 91.2% 137,291 77.3%
 Astra Zeneca (ChAdOx1) 1412 28.2% 22,924 31.5% 4627 5.2% 11 10.8% 28,974 16.3%
 Moderna (mRNA-1273) 90 1.8% 260 0.5% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 350 0.2%
Mean number of weeks since receipt of most recent dose (SD) 16.7 (13.4) 23.7 (10.4) 4.2 (2.0) 4.4 (3.6)

For COVID-19 vaccine primary doses the % is of all those receiving that dose but for the overall population it includes the unvaccinated.


See methods for how co-morbid conditions were determined. All numbers were perturbed to maintain confidentiality. See methods for details.