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. 2023 Sep 17;15(9):e45415. doi: 10.7759/cureus.45415

Table 1. OOART Attitude Question Key.

Question Number Question
Q1 If someone overdoses, I want to be able to help them.
Q2 Everyone should learn how to use and carry naloxone.
Q3 I will do whatever is necessary to save someone's life in an overdose situation.
Q4 It is understandable why those who use drugs and experience withdrawal symptoms may use drugs daily.
Q5 We need to provide ways to keep people alive and minimize the harms associated with drug use (ex: needle exchange programs, naloxone distribution) to effectively deal with the opioid epidemic.
Q6 People often start using opioids and find it hard to quit due to a lack of willpower and discipline.
Q7 It is understandable that many people are not ready, willing, or able to get treatment for substance use disorders.
Q8 My attitudes toward people who use drugs, and how I think and talk about them, has nothing to do with their ability to seek or receive help.
Q9 I would be afraid of doing something wrong in an overdose situation.
Q10 If I saw an overdose, I would panic and not be able to help.
Q11 I would be able to deal effectively with an overdose.
Q12 Racism and stigma create disparities in US federal and societal responses to substance use disorder.
Q-all Positive Summation of attitude questions that were anticipated to have scores of 4 or 5 (agree or strongly agree) denoted in bold above
Q-all Negative Summation of attitude questions that were anticipated to have scores of 1 or 3 (disagree or strongly disagree) denoted as regular text above