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. 2023 Oct 17;330(15):1459–1471. doi: 10.1001/jama.2023.18497

Figure 1. Association of Change in SBP or Standing SBP With CVD or All-Cause Mortality.

Figure 1.

Adjusted hazard ratios by treatment status for change in systolic blood pressure (SBP) with (A) cardiovascular disease (CVD) or all-cause mortality or (B) all-cause mortality, as well as for standing SBP with (C) CVD or all-cause mortality or (D) all-cause mortality, using a restricted cubic spline with 4 knots determined by the Harrell method. Figures are based on data from all 9 trials. Shading represents 95% CIs. Both models were expressed relative to the median value and were truncated at the 2.5th and 97.5th percentiles. Models were adjusted for age, sex, and study. Hazard ratios are shown on a natural log scale. Included are kernel density plots representing the distribution of change in SBP or standing SBP by treatment and by outcome status: low goal/active treatment, no outcome; low goal/active treatment, with outcome; standard goal/placebo, no outcome; and standard goal/placebo, with outcome. In Supplement 1, see eTable 7 for the event numbers and denominators for this figure and eFigures 6-8 for similar representations by diastolic blood pressure and additional modeling.