a, Final cryo-EM density of a single DNA-bound TnsC heptamer showing unsliced (left) and sliced (right) side views to highlight DNA that is threaded through the central pore. Individual subunits are labelled. b, Ribbon representation of the views shown in a. c, Representative 2D class averages for the DNA-bound TnsC double heptamer. d, Two orthogonal views of the final cryo-EM map for the DNA-bound TnsC double heptamer. Each of the seven protomers is labelled, and DNA density is shown in grey. Both heptameric rings bind DNA in the same orientation. e, Ribbon representation of the DNA-bound TnsC double heptamer shown as in b, with ATP molecules present in all protomers shown as spheres. f, Three representative 2D class averages of the DNA-bound TnsC triple heptamer. Dynamics of individual heptamers are highlighted by dotted arrows, and TnsC heptamers located at the end of the bound DNA exhibit flexibility relative to the adjacent heptamers (see Supplementary Video 2).