The three quartiles (blue arrows) of cochlear implant performance are defined as the first or lower quartile (Q1; 25th percentile), the second quartile, which is also the median (Q2; 50th percentile), and the third or upper quartile (Q3; 75th percentile). The quartiles devide the data set into four quarters of an equal number of observations (dashed blue lines). The interquartile range is defined between Q1 and Q3 covering the two middle quarters. The lower quarter is termed “poor performers.” The two middle quarters (the interquartile range) are termed “average performers.” As a distinction between these two quarters the lower middle quarter is termed “sufficient performers” and the upper middle quarter is termed “good performers.” The fourth, upper quarter is termed “excellent performers.” A positive outcome is defined as a result above the lower quartile while a negative outcome is defined below the lower quartile.
published online ahead of print July 13, 2023.