Table 2.
PubMed search facets
Ref | Facet | Search terms |
1 | Chronic kidney disease | (“chronic kidney disease” OR CKD OR “kidney failure” OR “renal outcome” OR “renal outcomes” OR “renal failure”):[tiab] |
2 | Biomarkers or outcomes | (“secondary hyperparathyroidism” OR SHPT OR calcium OR phosphorus OR “vitamin D” OR “25(OH)D” OR “1,25(OH)” OR pth OR “parathyroid hormone” OR ipth OR parathormone OR FGF-23 OR FGF23 OR “fibroblast growth factor 23” OR BSAP OR P1NP OR CTX OR hepcidin OR “TRAP 5b” OR “calcification propensity” OR proteinuria OR hypercalcaemia OR hypercalcemia OR hyperphosphatemia OR progression OR CVD OR “cardiovascular disease” OR “cv event” OR “cardiovascular event” OR “cardiovascular events” OR mortality OR death OR fracture OR fractures OR fx OR hospitalization OR hospitalisation OR anemia OR anaemia OR parathyroidectomy OR ptx OR “bone mineral density” OR “bone turnover” OR “bone metabolic” OR BMD OR “bone disease” OR MBD OR “CKD-MBD”):[tiab] |
3 | Treatments | (calcitriol OR paricalcitol OR alfacalcidol OR alphacalcidol OR 1-hydroxycholecalciferol OR doxercalciferol OR “vitamin D receptor agonist” OR “vitamin D receptor activator” OR “vitamin D receptor activation” OR VDRA OR VDRAs OR calcifediol OR calcidiol OR NVD OR “nutritional vitamin D” OR cholecalciferol OR ergocalciferol OR calcimimetic OR cinacalcet):[tiab] |
4 | Language | English[lang] |
5 | Publication type | NOT (review OR comment OR meta-analysis) |
6 | Effect of drug therapy on biomarker levels or outcomes in CKD | #1 AND #2 AND #3 AND #4 NOT #5 |