Ocular surface microbiome after dupilumab treatment. Box plots indicate the amplicon sequence variants counts (A) and alpha diversity (Shannon index, B) obtained from sequence analysis from eye swabs. Data are presented in box and whisker plots showing minimum, maximum, and median values; a diminutive (+) indicates mean values, () gray dotted lines indicate the mean value at baseline in atopic dermatitis (AD), and () orange dotted lines indicate the mean value at baseline in dupilumab–associated ocular surface disease (DAOSD). N = 3–14. One-way analysis of variance was used for statistical testing. C, Bray-Curtis dissimilarity-based nonmetric multidimensional scaling plots for AD and DAOSD are shown. Ellipses shown are based on standard error of the mean. Statistical analysis was performed by using analysis of similarities method. ANOSIM = analysis of similarities; ASVs = amplicon sequence variants; NMDS = non-metric multidimensional scaling; NA = not applicable.