Table 2. Comparison of magnetic resonance sialography findings between patients with or without recurrence.
MRS characteristic | Total (n=41) | Recurrence group (n=15) | Non-recurrence group (n=26) | P value |
Parotid volume | 0.460 | |||
Normal | 23 (56.10) | 10 (43.48) | 13 (56.52) | |
Swollen | 12 (29.27) | 4 (33.33) | 8 (66.67) | |
Atrophic | 6 (14.63) | 1 (16.67) | 5 (83.33) | |
Stenosis classification | 0.738 | |||
Grade 0 | 23 (56.10) | 8 (34.78) | 15 (65.22) | |
Grade 1 | 9 (21.95) | 3 (33.33) | 6 (66.67) | |
Grade 2 | 2 (4.88) | 1 (50.00) | 1 (50.00) | |
Grade 3 | 5 (12.20) | 2 (40.00) | 3 (60.00) | |
Grade 4 | 2 (4.88) | 1 (50.00) | 1 (50.00) | |
Dilatation classification | 0.009** | |||
Grade 0 | 2 (4.88) | 0 (0.00) | 2 (100.00) | |
Grade 1 | 18 (43.90) | 3 (16.67) | 15 (83.33) | |
Grade 2 | 13 (31.71) | 7 (53.85) | 6 (46.15) | |
Grade 3 | 8 (19.51) | 5 (62.50) | 3 (37.50) | |
Dilatation length | 0.043* | |||
<1/3 the main duct | 16 (41.03) | 5 (31.25) | 11 (68.75) | |
1/3–<1/2 | 4 (10.26) | 0 (0.00) | 4 (100.00) | |
1/2–2/3 | 11 (28.20) | 4 (36.36) | 7 (63.64) | |
>2/3 | 8 (20.51) | 6 (75.00) | 2 (25.00) | |
Location of dilatation | 0.621 | |||
Distal | 10 (25.64) | 4 (40.00) | 6 (60.00) | |
Middle | 19 (48.72) | 6 (31.58) | 13 (68.42) | |
Proximal | 10 (25.64) | 5 (50.00) | 5 (50.00) | |
Branch duct dilatation | 0.017* | |||
Absent | 21 (51.22) | 4 (19.05) | 17 (80.95) | |
Present | 20 (48.78) | 11 (55.00) | 9 (45.00) | |
Diameter of branch duct (mm) | 2.2±0.5 | 2.2±0.6 | 2.1±0.5 | 0.723 |
Data are presented as mean ± standard deviation or n (%). *, P<0.05; **, P<0.01. MRS, magnetic resonance sialography.