Table A.6.
African countries and Israel with their status of Thaumatotibia leucotreta (in EPPO Global Database, Internet:, accessed: 1 June 2022; Eurostat, EU trade since 1988 by HS2‐4‐6 and CN8, online, accessed on 4 October 2022)
Country | ISO Country code | Export of cut roses in 2011–2020 (Eurostat) | Status of T. leucotreta (EPPO) |
Israel | IL | Yes | Present, restricted distribution |
Angola | AO | Yes | Present, no details |
Burkina Faso | BF | No | Present, no details |
Burundi | BI | No | Present, no details |
Benin | BJ | No | Present, no details |
Rep.Democr. Congo | CD | No | Present, no details |
Central African Republic | CF | No | Present, no details |
Ivory Coast | CI | Yes | Present, no details |
Cameroon | CM | No | Present, no details |
Cape Verde | CV | No | Present, no details |
Eritrea | ER | Yes | Present, no details |
Ethiopia | ET | Yes | Present, no details |
Ghana | GH | Yes | Present, no details |
Gambia | GM | No | Present, no details |
Kenya | KE | Yes | Present, no details |
Madagascar | MG | No | Present, no details |
Mali | ML | No | Present, no details |
Mauritius | MU | Yes | Present, no details |
Malawi | MW | Yes | Present, no details |
Mozambique | MZ | No | Present, no details |
Niger | NE | Yes | Present, no details |
Nigeria | NG | Yes | Present, no details |
Rwanda | RW | Yes | Present, no details |
Sudan | SD | No | Present, no details |
Sierra Leone | SL | No | Present, no details |
Senegal | SN | No | Present, no details |
Somalia | SO | No | Present, no details |
Eswatini | SZ | Yes | Present, no details |
Chad | TD | No | Present, no details |
Togo | TG | No | Present, no details |
Tanzania | TZ | Yes | Present, no details |
Uganda | UG | Yes | Present, no details |
South Africa | ZA | Yes | Present, no details |
Zambia | ZM | Yes | Present, no details |
Zimbabwe | ZW | Yes | Present, no details |
Botswana | BW | No | No notification |
Congo | CG | No | No notification |
Algeria | DZ | No | No notification |
Egypt | EG | Yes | No notification |
Gabon | GA | No | No notification |
Guinea | GN | No | No notification |
Equatorial Guinea | GQ | No | No notification |
Guinea‐Bissau | GW | No | No notification |
Comoros | KM | No | No notification |
Liberia | LR | No | No notification |
Lesotho | LS | No | No notification |
Libya | LY | No | No notification |
Morocco | MA | Yes | No notification |
Mauritania | MR | No | No notification |
Namibia | NA | Yes | No notification |
Seychelles | SC | No | No notification |
South Sudan | SS | No | No notification |
Sao Tome and Principe | ST | No | No notification |
Tunisia | TN | Yes | No notification |