Summary of the evidence used for the evaluation
Literature on home composting (e.g. see: Colón et al., 2010; Tatàno et al., 2015; Stenmarck et al., 2016; Žitnik and Vidic, 2016; ISPRA, 2021; Sulewski et al., 2021)
Main uncertainties
Reasoning for a scenario which would lead to a reasonable high proportion
The judgement on the upper limit considers that
Level of population living in houses (50%)/High rate of private compost in a survey/Complete organic part going to private compost
Slovenia is an example for a high rate 48% of private compost, but high proportion of living in houses
Reasoning for a scenario which would lead to a reasonable low proportion
The judgement on the lower limit considers that
It is above 0%, because it includes all kind of disposal of organic waste (dumping, feeding, etc.), not only composted waste
24% of population is living in rural areas
Fair estimate as judgement on the weighted evidence
The judgement on the median considers that
Statistics from 5 countries mainly Northern/Western EU shows about 8%, for the countries of the climatically suitable area the home composting will be higher
High part of the population living in rural areas
It includes all kind of disposal of organic waste (dumping, feeding, etc.), not only composted waste
Precision of the judgement as description of remaining uncertainties
The judgement on the interquartile range considers that
Antoon LOOMANS, Panos MILONAS, Klara NICOVA, Giuseppe STANCANELLI, Hans‐Hermann THULKE |
Olaf MOSBACH‐SCHULZ (facilitator) |
na |
Date and place of the EKE
Virtual meeting on 9 January 2023 |