Figure 2.
Different use cases for LipidSpace. (A) Confirmation of discoveries in published studies: (upper) LSM 18:1;O2 performs well to separate all measured samples based on their condition32 with an accuracy of 100%, (lower) main differences in lipid concentration of male and female (either taking contraceptives (CC) or not) plasma lipidomes28 caused by PC, PE, and SM lipids. 23 lipids can achieve separation of data sets with an accuracy of 93%; (B) extended analyses on published studies: (left) feature analysis on Smpd1 knockout32 data reveal a correlation between the increase of PG and decrease of CL and a systematic shift of double bonds for Cer 18:x;O2 subclass, (right) six ethnicity-dependent studies show that SM had the most lipid species involved in the gender separation models; (C) QC of seven different human plasma experiments: (left) global structural space of all 1037 samples, (top right) hierarchical clustering of all samples shows similarities across four studies (experiment 1–4 from study,34 ex. 5 from ref (27) 6 from ref (28), and 7 from ref (33)), (bottom right) study aggregated structural spaces reveal differences of lipid species compositions (at most on sn-position level) and concentrations among studies.