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. 2023 Oct 18;23:241. doi: 10.1186/s12874-023-01984-8

Table 3.

Characteristics of study population by COVID-19 and followed up for mortality status until 31st May 2021

COVID-19 Positive
n (%)
COVID-19 Negative
n (%)
n (%)
Variable Level Alive Dead Alive Dead
Total 7,711 (7.8) 5,289 (5.4) 56,211 (57.1) 29,154 (29.6) 98,365
Time from hip fracture to COVID-19 infection (days) Mean (SD) 279.3 (238.3) 204.7 (204.7) n/a n/a 249.0 (228.2)
Age group (years) 60 to 69 514 (6.7) 149 (2.8) 6,403 (11.4) 1,155 (4.0) 8,221 (8.4)
70 to 79 1,667 (21.6) 876 (16.6) 16,311 (29.0) 4,498 (15.4) 23,352 (23.7)
80 to 89 3,742 (48.5) 2,568 (48.6) 24,547 (43.7) 13,384 (45.9) 44,241 (45.0)
90 +  1,788 (23.2) 1,696 (32.1) 8,950 (15.9) 10,117 (34.7) 22,551 (22.9)
Sex Female 5,787 (75.0) 3,144 (59.4) 41,698 (74.2) 18,156 (62.3) 68,785 (69.9)
Male 1,924 (25.0) 2,145 (40.6) 14,513 (25.8) 10,998 (37.7) 29,580 (30.1)
Residencea Own home/sheltered housing 5,305 (68.8) 3,358 (63.5) 50,401 (89.7) 19,019 (65.2) 78,083 (79.4)
Residential care 1,327 (17.2) 970 (18.3) 3,007 (5.3) 4,985 (17.1) 10,289 (10.5)
Nursing care 816 (10.6) 681 (12.9) 1,776 (3.2) 3,506 (12.0) 6,779 (6.9)
Hospital inpatient 263 (3.4) 280 (5.3) 1,027 (1.8) 1,644 (5.6) 3,214 (3.3)
Mobilitya Freely mobile without aids 2,253 (29.2) 1,100 (20.8) 26,815 (47.7) 6,145 (21.1) 36,313 (36.9)
Mobile outdoors with one or more aids or a frame 2,961 (38.4) 2,174 (41.1) 19,970 (35.5) 11,304 (38.8) 36,409 (37.0)
Never goes outside without help or no functional mobility 2,397 (31.1) 1,939 (36.7) 9,089 (16.2) 11,252 (38.6) 24,677 (25.1)
Not recorded 100 (1.3) 76 (1.4) 337 (0.6) 453 (1.6) 966 (1.0)
Nutritiona Normal nutrition 5,488 (71.2) 3,567 (67.4) 44,028 (78.3) 18,223 (62.5) 71,306 (72.5)
At risk of malnutrition 1,522 (19.7) 1,141 (21.6) 8,155 (14.5) 6,869 (23.6) 17,687 (18.0)
Malnourished 498 (6.5) 429 (8.1) 2,854 (5.1) 3,132 (10.7) 6,913 (7.0)
Not recorded 203 (2.6) 152 (2.9) 1,174 (2.1) 930 (3.2) 2,459 (2.5)
Hospital Frailty Risk Score group Low risk (< 5) 496 (6.4) 169 (3.2) 9,569 (17.0) 1,252 (4.3) 11,486 (11.7)
Intermediate risk (5–15) 2,888 (37.5) 1,686 (31.9) 29,213 (52.0) 9,498 (32.6) 43,285 (44.0)
High risk (> 15) 4,327 (56.1) 3,434 (64.9) 17,429 (31.0) 18,404 (63.1) 43,594 (44.3)
Cardiovascular disease Yes 3,526 (45.7) 3,054 (57.7) 19,646 (35.0) 16,589 (56.9) 42,815 (43.5)
Malignancy Yes 690 (8.9) 791 (15.0) 5,039 (9.0) 5,792 (19.9) 12,312 (12.5)
Dementia Yes 3,236 (42.0) 2,458 (46.5) 9,903 (17.6) 13,283 (45.6) 28,880 (29.4)
Chronic pulmonary disease Yes 2,287 (29.7) 1,714 (32.4) 14,932 (26.6) 10,024 (34.4) 28,957 (29.4)
Liver disease Yes 271 (3.5) 218 (4.1) 1,794 (3.2) 1,293 (4.4) 3,576 (3.6)
Diabetes (Type 1 & 2) Yes 1,642 (21.3) 1,298 (24.5) 10,222 (18.2) 6,377 (21.9) 19,539 (19.9)
Hemiplegia or paraplegia Yes 265 (3.4) 185 (3.5) 1,562 (2.8) 944 (3.2) 2,956 (3.0)
Renal disease Yes 2,003 (26.0) 1,861 (35.2) 10,930 (19.4) 9,948 (34.1) 24,742 (25.2)

a At time of presentation with hip fracture. Source: OHID, using data from National Hip Fracture Database (NHFD), Hospital Episode Statistics (HES) and Office for National Statistics (ONS), England. Copyright © 2022, Re-used with the permission of NHS Digital. All rights reserved