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. 2023 Oct 19;25:205. doi: 10.1186/s13075-023-03184-7

Table 3.

Overview of selected patient-reported outcome measures in axSpA across registries

Registry Patient global assessment Patient pain assessment Patient fatigue assessment BASDAI/BASFI
Wordinga Scaleb Wordinga Scaleb Wordinga Scaleb Registered Scaleb
ATTRA (Czechia) Please indicate below how you feel when you consider all the ways in which your illness now affects you VAS and NRS (0–100) How much pain has your illness caused you DURING THE PAST WEEK? NRS (0–100) How much of a problem has unsual fatigue been for you DURING THE PAST WEEK? NRS (0–100) Yes/yes [25] VAS
DANBIO (Denmark) How does the arthritis affect your overall life at the moment? VAS How much pain due to arthritis do you have at the moment? VAS How tired are you at the moment? VAS Yes/yes [26] VAS
ESRBTR (Estonia) Patient´s evaluation of disease activity on a VAS ranging from “no activity” to “very active”. VAS Patient´s evaluation of pain on a VAS ranging from “no pain” to “strong pain”. VAS - - Yes/no NRS
ROBFIN (Finland)

How is your health condition today?

VAS ranging from “very good to “worst possible”

VAS How much pain have you been experiencing during last week? VAS How much fatigue have you been experiencing during last week? VAS Yes/yes [27] VAS
ICEBIO (Iceland) Put a mark on the line below which illustrates the disease activity on your health due to your disease during the last week VAS Put a mark on the line below which illustrates the pain due to your disease during the last week VAS Put a mark on the line below which illustrates the fatigue due to your disease during the last week VAS Yes/yes VAS
GISEA (Italy) Considering all the ways your arthritis has affected you, how active do you feel your arthritis is today on a scale ranging from 0 to 100? NRS 0–100 Numerical rating scale ranging from 0 (no pain) to 100 (worst imaginable pain) measuring actual pain intensity during the last 24 hours NRS 0–100 - - Yes/yes VAS
AmSpA (Netherlands) How active was your disease the last week? NRS How much back pain did you have during the night the last week? NRS How tired were you the last week? - Yes/yes VAS
NOR-DMARD (Norway) We kindly ask you to evaluate the activity in your arthritis during the last week. Considering all the symptoms you have had, how would you evaluate your condition? VAS How much pain have you had during the last week? VAS To what degree has a feeling of unusual tiredness or exhaustion been a problem for you during the last week? VAS Yes/no VAS (Portugal) Considering the way the disease disturbs you, how did you feel during the last week? NRS and VAS Please indicate the level of pain that you felt in your spine at any moment (day or night) during last week VAS FACIT questionnaire - Yes/yes [28] VAS
RRBR (Romania) Please rate how much the disease is globally affecting you, taking into account all the aspects of the disease (e.g., psoriasis and arthritis) over the past week NRS c - d - Yes/no VAS (Slovenia) How does your disease affect you today? NRS How severe was the pain in the past week? NRS - - Yes/yes NRS
BIOBADASER (Spain) No specific wording, depends on each center NRS - - - - Yes/no [29] VAS
SRQ (Sweden) How have you felt in the last week, in general, given your rheumatic disease? VAS How much pain have you had in the last week due to your rheumatic disease? VAS How tired have you been in the last week due to your rheumatic disease? VAS Yes/yes [30, 31] VAS
SCQM (Switzerland) How active is your disease today? NRS How would you rate your overall pain in the past 7 days? NRS d - Yes/yes VAS
BSRBR-AS (UK) Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Global Score (BAS-G) - Pain question in SF12, EQ5D, pain 100 mm VAS - Chalder Fatigue Scale - Yes/yes [32, 33] VAS

NRS Numeric rating scale from 0 to 10 unless stated otherwise, VAS Visual analog scale from 0 to 100 mm, BASDAI Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Index, BASFI Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Functional Index

aThe wording is based on a translation from the original language (if not English) in the online survey and follow-up interviews

bScales are evaluated visually using graphic presentation of the respective patient assessments in secondary anonymized baseline data from initiation of the first biologic (b) or targeted synthetic (ts) disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drug (DMARD) treatment on patients with a clinical diagnosis of axial spondyloarthritis, 18 years or older, followed in one of the participating registries since the start of their first b/tsDMARD between 2000 to 2021. Sweden has provided data on Secukinumab treated patients only

cBASDAI pain question

dBASDAI fatigue question