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. 2023 Sep 26;12(10):e00405-23. doi: 10.1128/MRA.00405-23


Isolates, sampling locations, dates, sequencing metrics, ICPI, and accession numbers of genomes of the virulent Newcastle diseases viruses in this report

Isolate name Collection date Location (region) Total no. of raw read pairs No. of mapped read pairs Median coverage depth (reads) ICPIa GenBank accession no. SRA accession no.
Chicken/Tanzania/Mbeya/MT1/2012 05/30/2012 Sokomatola (Mbeya) 2,263,648 687,157 7,300 1.88 MK633933 SRR24142067
Chicken/Tanzania/Iringa/IM40/2012 06/04/2012 Mashine tatu (Iringa) 671,067 449,556 5,366 1.88 MK633935 SRR24142063
Chicken/Tanzania/Arusha/AK5/2012 05/27/2012 Kilombero (Arusha) 1,006,401 454,248 5,287 1.78 MK633938 SRR24142066
Chicken/Tanzania/Arusha/AC53/2012 05/27/2012 Arusha Central (Arusha) 1,325,590 917,398 10,854 1.83 MK633944 SRR24142065
Chicken/Tanzania/Tanga/N1/2012 05/21/2012 Ngamiani (Tanga) 813,624 316,250 3,292 1.95 MK633951 SRR24142064
Chicken/Tanzania/Tanga/N34/2012 05/21/2012 Ngamiani (Tanga) 881,511 437,253 5,182 1.88 MK633953 SRR24142062
Chicken/Tanzania/Tanga/N6/2012 05/21/2012 Ngamiani (Tanga) 844,044 484,424 5,873 1.88 MK633952 SRR24142061

ICPI = intracerebral pathogenicity index.