Ambient light resistant SWIRFI for pHLIP ICG detection. (A) SWIRFI setup for ambient light resistant imaging of pHLIP ICG. Images were automatically converted to tiff files for rapid image correction and analysis (ImageJ). Panel was created with (B) Comparison of silicon (NIRFI), indium gallium arsenide (InGaAs; SWIRFI) sensors, and human vision responses with ICG laser excitation (808 nm), ICG, and LED emission profiles. (C) pHLIP ICG absorption (100 μL, 8 μM) with and without (bound and unbound) POPC liposomes. NIRFI (745 nm) and SWIRFI (808 nm) excitation wavelengths are shown. (D) SWIR emission of pHLIP ICG (normalized) in on and off states. (Inset) Emission from 1,100 to 1,400 nm. ABS (O.D.) = absorbance (optical density); PC = personal computer; RGB = red, green, blue; SP = short pass.