Ambient lighting resistant extended emission SWIRFI (>1,100 nm) of pHLIP ICG in vivo. (A, top) >1,100 nm representative image 1 h after pHLIP ICG (300 ms, 0.5 mg/kg). Gaussian blur has not been added to 1 h time point images. (A, middle) >1,100 nm image at 96 h. Regions of interest are shown as before. (A, bottom) >1,100 nm SWIRFI resection for complete tumor removal at 96 h. (B) SNR values of >1,100 nm (300-ms exposure) and >900 nm (10-ms exposure) from all mice at all time points. Exposures were selected at close to camera saturation at 1 h and then used for all time points. (C) Tumor CNR values from 24 to 96 h from all mice. (D and E) Comparative resection SNR and CNR values at both >1,100 and >900 nm for all mice. SD, mean, and individual replicates (n = 3) are shown. a.u. = arbitrary units; dotted gray circles = quantification regions of interest, where 1 is system noise (SNR), 2 is tumor values, and 3 is body values (CNR); large dotted gray oval = cropping because of long-pass filter; dotted lines = acceptable thresholds (5 dB for SNR, 3dB for CNR); Max = maximum; solid arrow = tumor location.