Figure 3.
Clustering analysis of time series genes during SMA pneumonia. (A) Mfuzz clustering revealed nine distinct temporal patterns of gene expression. Red indicates that the gene variation was the most constrained to the center of the cluster, followed by blue and finally green. The Mfuzz membership value, which is used to determine whether the gene conforms to the trend of the gene cluster, ranges between 0.128 and 0.950. (B) The heatmap depicts the importance of GO terms in the biological processes that describe each of the nine clusters. The number (4,694, 3,189, 4,081, 3,349, 2,770, 3,008, 1,343, 2,820 and 5,397) of enriched genes in each cluster is shown at the bottom. hpi, hours post-infection; rRNA, ribosomal RNA; ERAD, endoplasmic reticulum-associated protein degradation; Padj, adjusted P value; ncRNA, non-coding RNA; SMA, Stenotrophomonas maltophilia; GO, Gene Ontology.