The mR-score as a predictive biomarker for NAC response. (A) A tSNE plot clustered responders (Rs) and nonresponders (NRs) based on the top 500 lmNR loci. Healthy donors were clustered with R. (B) The mR-scores in different response groups. There was no statistically significant difference among the groups. (C) The mR-scores in patients receiving different NAC regimens. (D) Scatter diagram and correlation between mR-scores and the Elastic Net scores. Spearman correlation coefficient R = 0.77 (p = 2.2e-16).
CR = patients with pathologic T0 response; DDMVAC + CYST = dose-dense methotrexate, vinblastine, adriamycin, and cisplatin followed by cystectomy; GC + CYST = gemcitabine-cisplatin followed by cystectomy; lmNR = less methylated in NR; mR-score = methylation-based response score; NAC = neoadjuvant chemotherapy; NR = patients without a pathologic response; PR = patients with downstaged partial response; tSNE = t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding.