Characteristics of 27,857 Danish breast, prostate, lung, and colon cancer survivors diagnosed between 2010 and 2019.
Characteristics | Cancer survivors | |||
Breast n=11,868 n (%) | Prostate n=9606 n (%) | Lung n=1754 n (%) | Colon n=4629 n (%) | |
Age (years): mean (range) | 59 (40–93) | 67 (40–89) | 65 (40–91) | 66 (40–92) |
Sex | ||||
Men | – | 9566 (100) | 753 (43) | 2485 (54) |
Women | 11,848 (100) | – | 1000 (57) | 2135 (46) |
Education a | ||||
Short | 1083 (9) | 1088 (11) | 284 (17) | 568 (12) |
Medium | 5592 (47) | 4920 (51) | 1007 (57) | 2437 (53) |
Long | 5193 (44) | 3598 (38) | 463 (26) | 1624 (35) |
Cohabitation b | ||||
Living with others | 8707 (73) | 8149 (85) | 1275 (73) | 3562 (77) |
Living alone | 3141 (27) | 1417 (15) | h (–) | 1058 (22) |
Missing | 20 (0) | 40 (0) | h (–) | 9 (0) |
Urbanicity c | ||||
Cities | 3292 (28) | 2313 (24) | h (–) | 1196 (26) |
Towns and suburbs | 4358 (37) | 3391 (35) | 621 (35) | 1623 (35) |
Rural | 4198 (35) | 3862 (40) | 679 (39) | 1801 (39) |
Missing | 20 (0) | 40 (1) | h (–) | 9 (0) |
Time since diagnosis | ||||
2–5 years | 4269 (36) | 3524 (37) | 967 (55) | 1882 (41) |
>5–12 years | 7599 (64) | 6082 (63) | 787 (45) | 2747 (59) |
Disease stage at diagnosis d | ||||
Local/regional | 9188 (77) | 6734 (70) | 884 (50) | 3215 (69) |
Advanced | 90 (1) | 364 (4) | 436 (25) | 266 (6) |
Missing i | 2590 (22) | 2508 (26) | 434 (25) | 1148 (25) |
Treatment during 12 month after diagnosis e | ||||
Curatively intended | 9188 (77) | 5793 (60) | 1171 (67) | 3753 (81) |
Palliative | 90 (1) | 1205 (13) | 156 (9) | 51 (1) |
None | 816 (7) | 2541 (26) | 28 (1) | 39 (1) |
Missing j | 1774 (15) | 67 (1) | 399 (23) | 786 (17) |
Comorbidity at time of questionnaire f | ||||
0 | 4568 (39) | 3005 (31) | 484 (28) | 1602 (35) |
1 | 3134 (26) | 2581 (27) | 385 (22) | 1164 (25) |
≥ 2 | 4166 (35) | 4020 (42) | 885 (50) | 1863 (40) |
Smoking status at time of questionnaire | ||||
Never | 5264 (44) | 3790 (39) | 171 (10) | 1772 (38) |
Former smoker | 5187 (44) | 4918 (51) | 1289 (73) | 2362 (51) |
Current smoker | 1234 (10) | 748 (8) | 261 (15) | 402 (9) |
Missing | 183 (2) | 150 (2) | 33 (2) | 93 (2) |
Alcohol intake at time of questionnaire g | ||||
0 units per week | 3229 (27) | 1324 (14) | 543 (31) | 980 (21) |
≥1 to ≤7/14 units per week | 5572 (47) | 5897 (61) | 741 (42) | 2359 (51) |
≥8/15 units per week | 2195 (19) | 1735 (18) | 362 (21) | 955 (21) |
Missing | 872 (7) | 650 (7) | 108 (6) | 335 (7) |
BMI at time of questionnaire | ||||
Underweight (<18.5) | 182 (2) | 23 (0) | 48 (3) | 69 (2) |
Normal weight (18.5–24.9) | 5174 (44) | 3014 (31) | 711 (41) | 1550 (33) |
Overweight (25–29.9) | 4037 (34) | 4610 (48) | 612 (35) | 1868 (40) |
Obese (≥30) | 2287 (19) | 1789 (19) | 351 (20) | 1056 (23) |
Missing | 188 (2) | 170 (2) | 32 (2) | 86 (2) |
Abbreviation: BMI, body mass index. [Correction added on October 5, 2023 after first online publication. In Table 1, the BMI for “Obese” has been corrected in this version.]
Education: categorized as short (mandatory school; ≤ 9 years), medium (secondary education or vocational education; 10–12 years), and long education (higher education; >12 years).
Cohabitation: living with others included all who were married, in a registered partnership or co‐living with a partner. Living alone included all who were single or widows and had no kids living at home.
Urbanicity: cities (densely populated area), towns and suburbs (intermediate density area), and rural (thinly populated area).
Disease stage: local/regional stage defined as any tumor size, any number of positive lymph nodes and no distant metastasis (breast cancer); TNM stage with any T, any N, and no M (prostate cancer); TNM stage at IA, IB, IIA, IIB, or IIIA (lung cancer), UICC (8th edition) stage I, II, III (colon cancer). Advanced stage defined as distant metastasis (breast cancer); TNM stage with metastasis (prostate cancer); TNM stage IIIB, IIIC, IVA, and IVB (lung cancer); UICC (8th edition) stage IV (colon cancer).
Treatment: curative treatment defined as local/regional stage disease (breast cancer); prostatectomy, active surveillance, curative radiotherapy (prostate cancer); curative chemo‐ and/or radiotherapy, surgery, and neo‐ and/or adjuvant therapy (lung cancer); surgery with curative intent (colon cancer). Palliative treatment defined as advanced stage disease (breast cancer); palliative radiotherapy, endocrine therapy, and watchful waiting (prostate cancer); palliative chemo‐ and/or radiotherapy, other treatment with palliative intent (lung cancer); surgery with palliative intent, chemo‐ and/or radiotherapy (colon cancer).
Comorbidity was self‐reported and included the following comorbid disorders: depression, anxiety, asthma, apoplexy, hypertension, migraine, arthritis, thyroid disorders, cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, diabetes, impaired hearing, low vision/blindness, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and disorders of the nervous system (Parkinson, sclerosis).
Alcohol: defined as intake during the last week. Categorized as no alcohol intake (0 units), alcohol intake within the recommended amount by the Danish health authorities at time of questionnaire (1–7/14 units for women/men) and alcohol intake higher than the recommended amount (≥8/15 units for women/men).
All data on cohabitation and urbanicity for lung cancer survivors cannot be included in the table, as they present information on too few individuals (less than 5).
There were no clinical data available for 2019, which led to a high number of missing data for stage: 13% for breast cancer, 4% for prostate cancer, 22% for lung cancer, and 13% for colon cancer.
There were no clinical data available for 2019, which led to a high number of missing data for treatment: 13% for breast cancer, 0% for prostate cancer, 22% for lung cancer, and 13% for colon cancer.