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. 2023 Oct 20;23:1131. doi: 10.1186/s12913-023-10157-8

Table 5.

Use of Technology for Chronic Pain Management

Question and Answer N %
Do you use electronic methods to collect intake information for new patients? (N = 100)
 Yes, I am currently using it 21 21.0%
 No, but I plan to in the future 28 28.0%
 No, not currently or in the future 35 35.0%
 Undecided 16 16.0%
Why not/undecided? (N = 51) a,b
 Software too expensive 9 17.6%
 Implementation too complicated 19 37.3%
 Patients prefer paper 4 7.8%
 No proven benefit 3 5.9%
 No need 7 13.7%
 Other reason 27 52.9%
Do you use electronic methods to collect patient-reported outcomes (PROs)? (N = 100)
 Yes, I am currently using it 14 14.0%
 No, but I plan to in the future 29 29.0%
 No, not currently or in the future 36 36.0%
 Undecided 21 21.0%
Why not/undecided? (N = 57) a,b
 Software too expensive 9 15.8%
 Implementation too complicated 26 45.6%
 Patients prefer paper 4 7.0%
 No proven benefit 2 3.5%
 No need 6 10.5%
 Other reasonc 30 52.6%

Note. Percent calculated based on the number of participants who responded to that question, as indicated by N

a Question only shown to the subset of participants who responded “No, not currently or in the future” or “Undecided” to the previous question

b More than one reason could be selected

c Three of these respondents did not provide a specified other reason