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. 2023 Jun 9;20(9):3906–3921. doi: 10.1111/iwj.14272


Venous leg ulcer prevalence: characteristics of included studies.

Author, year, Journal Country Aim Data collection Age (mean[SD]) Sex (% women) Outcome ascertainment Prevalence type (duration of data collection) N population n VLU VLU prevalence in % (95% CI)
VLU patients among the residents of a region
Vowden et al., 2009, Journal of Tissue Viability United Kingdom Prevalence, management and characteristics of leg ulcers in Bradford population Survey to care providers 75.3 (14.9) 57 Patients records, no wound inspection Point prevalence (6 d) 487 975 195 0.04 (0.035‐0.046)
Moffatt et al., 2004, QJM An International Journal of Medicine United Kingdom Prevalence and cause of leg ulcers in a London population Questionnaire to health professionals 75 (na), 31‐94 a 64 Clinical assessment by trained research nurses (Doppler [ABPI>0.8], Duplex, photoplethysmography, open ≥4 wks) Point prevalence (4 wks) 252 463 49 b 0.02 b (0.014‐0.026)
Srinivasaiah et al., 2007, Journal of Wound Care United Kingdom Prevalence, management and characteristics of wounds in north‐east England Data collection in health establishments by a study team na na Patients records and verbal feedbacks, no wound inspection Point prevalence (2 d) 590 000 260 0.04 b (0.039‐0.05)
VLU patients and self‐treating people in a regional sample
Baker et al., 1991, British Journal of Surgery Australia Prevalence and characteristics of venous leg ulcers in a Perth metropolitan population Recruitment by referral from care providers and by self‐referral (via local newspapers) 75 (na) c , 20‐99 a 64.5 Clinical assessment by study team (photoplethysmography, Doppler [ABPI>0.9], open ≥4 wks) Point prevalence (3 mos) 238 000 148 b 0.06 (0.053‐0.073)
Rabe et al., 2003, Phlebologie Germany Prevalence and severity of CVD in urban and rural Bonn residential population Questionnaire to random a sample of adults 48 (16) 56 Clinical assessment by physicians and study team (CEAP, Doppler, Duplex) Point prevalence (16 mos) 3072 3 0.10 (0.02‐0.285)
Zolotukhin et al., 2017, European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery Russia Prevalence and risk factors of CVD in a rural community of central Russia Invitation to participate to all community residents 53.5 (17.8) 63 Clinical assessment by vascular surgeons and study team (CEAP, Duplex) Point prevalence (2 mos) 703 1 0.14 (0.004‐0.79)
VLU patients among patients receiving care
Khan et al., 2013, Phlebology Pakistan Prevalence and clinical pattern of CVD in primary care settings in Pakistan Physicians requested to invite patients to participate 39 (13.3) 47.4 Clinical examination by participating doctors according to CEAP Point prevalence (4 mos) 3000 18 0.60 b (0.36‐0.95)
Laible et al., 2002, Pflege Germany Prevalence of leg ulcers in home‐care setting in north‐Rhine Westphalia Questionnaire to a random sample of home nursing services 77.5 (10) 68.7 Patients records, no wound inspection Point prevalence (1 wks) 12 156 123 b 1.01 b (0.84‐1.21)
Vuylsteke et al., 2018, Angiology 23 countries Prevalence of CVD and CVI in general practitioners practice in 23 countries General practitioners requested to invite consecutive patients 51.8 (na) 70.7 Clinical examination by participating general practitioners (trained for the study) according to CEAP Point prevalence (47 mos) 99 359 672 0.68 b (0.63‐0.73)
Kreft et al., 2020, Angiology Germany Prevalence and mortality of CVD and CVI in the German population Random sample of insurants from databse of largest German health insurer >50 57 Health insurance database records, ICD‐10‐GM codes, no wound inspection Period prevalence (1 y) 269 670 b 2454 0.91 (0.88‐0.95)
Margolis et al., 2002, Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology United Kingdom Prevalence and incidence of venous leg ulcers in the elderly Random sample of patients from the General Practice Research Database 65‐95 a na General practice research database records, OXMIS codes, validation of case definition Period prevalence (1 year) 50 000 845 b 1.69 (1.58‐1.81)
Berenguer et al., 2019, International Wound Journal Spain Trends of venous leg ulcers'prevalence and incidence in a primary care centre in Barcelona Idenfication of records of patients with VLU in health history database from 2010 to 2014 79.3 (13.7) 54.8 Primary care research database records, ICD codes, no wound inspection Period prevalence (1 year) 30332.4 d 47.2 d 0.16 d (0.11‐0.21)
Homs‐Romero et al., 2021, Journal of Nursing Scholarship Spain Validity of CVD diagnoses in primary care research database to estimate CVD, CVI and venous leg ulcers prevalence and incidence Idenfication of records of patients with VLU in health history database 50.7 (18.4) 52.8 Primary care research databae records, ICD codes, validation of case definition Point prevalence (na) 4 074 308 13 595 0.33 (0.328‐0.339)

Abbreviations: ABPI, ankle brachial pressure index; CEAP, clinical etiological anatomical and pathophysiological; CVD, chronic venous disease; CVI, chronic venous insufficiency; ICD, international classification of diseases; na, not available; OXMIS, Oxford medical information system.




Calculated (not reported by author).


Median (IQR).


Average 5 years.