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. 2023 Oct 20;13(10):e10646. doi: 10.1002/ece3.10646


Transcriptome assembly statistics for Spea multiplicata.

S. multiplicata transcriptome assembly
Total raw reads 582,031,892
In silico normalized reads 20,401,976
Trinity transcripts in assembly 547,153
Trinity “genes” in assembly 310,955
Read pairs aligned to the assembly 97.3%
Proper pair reads aligned to the assembly 92.1%
N50 of transcripts 2676 bp
N50 of longest isoform per “gene” 855 bp
Size of total transcriptome 500,433,975 bp
Size of transcriptome only incl. longest isoform per “gene” 195,537,278 bp
Median size of transcripts 430 bp
Median size of longest isoform per “gene” 342 bp
Average size of transcripts 1094.7 bp
Average size of longest isoform per “gene” 628.8 bp

Note: Trinity outputs are provided at both the transcript and “gene” levels.