Figure 1.
Identified potential bacteria biomarker in DT of breast cancer (Potential bacterial biomarkers in Family and Genus level with LEfSe analysis). Alpha-diversity by Shannon index and inter-quantile distribution indicate the richness and evenness divided with DT score (1a). Top 20 bacteria composition in genus level of each sample by percentage abundance ((1b), left). The most abundant genus of bacteria found in merge sample group were Bacteroides ((1b), right). In family level, Alcaligenaceae is significant in DT score less than 4 (p = 0.017, (1c) left), while Streptococcaceae is associated in DT score over 5 (p = 0.023, (1c) right). Further in genus level, A. Sutterella is a specific biomarker in DT score under 4 (p = 0.017, (1d) left). On the other hand, S. Streptococcus is a specific biomarker in DT score oner 5 (P = 0.023, (1d) right). Detailed LDA score list in Table 4. Using Linear discriminant analysis (LDA) Effect Size (LEfSe) under condition with p < 0.05, Log LDA score > 1.0. We identified some potential biomarker associated with DT score. However, we cannot identify more significant species in LEfSe due to bacteria diversity. (0: represent DT score less than 4; 1: represent DT score over than 5).