Fig. 5.
Coronal mouse brain. A H&E staining images of 10X_Normal and 10X_FFPE data and DAPI staining image of 10X_DAPI data were displayed to illustrate this experiment: integrating three datasets with different protocols. B Boxplot of iLISI (left) and SCS of derived clusters (right) in three-coronal-mouse-brain integration experiment. C Spatial autocorrelations of raw, Seurat and SPIRAL-integrated expressions on original or aligned coordinates for coronal mouse brain dataset. D Spatial arrangements of annotated domains on aligned coordinates of SPIRAL and PASTE in cortex and hippocampus regions. E SCS of annotated layers on aligned coordinates by SPIRAL and PASTE in coronal mouse brain dataset. F Domain-marker gene expression profiles on aligned coordinates by SPIRAL in hippocampus of coronal mouse brain