Fig. 3. TPP1-S over expression causes telomere lengthening and is synergistic with TERT overexpression.
(A) Southern blot of telomeres in HeLa cell lines that stably expressed TPP1-S or TPP1-L for 90 days. Two independent clones of each are shown. P – parental cell line that was used to establish each of the modified clones. (B) Growth curves of cumulative population doublings of BJ fibroblasts expressing TPP1-S or TERT (average of 3 independent transduction for each group). (C) Western blot showing expression of each of the transgenes in cells collected from (B). (D) Southern blot of telomere lengths of BJ fibroblasts in (B) 15 passages after transduction showing synergistic telomere lengthening in cells exogenously overexpressing TPP1 and TERT.