Week |
Goals |
Intervention |
Regimen |
1 - 2 |
Scapular muscle setting |
Wall push-ups |
10 repetitions, 2 sets, and a 1-minute break between each set with a 10-second hold. |
Belly press with a pillow between the abdomen and hand, and elbow out at the side. |
Isometrics for shoulder extensors against a wall with elbow 90˚ flexed and neutral rotation |
Isometrics of shoulder depressors with elbows at 90˚ against chair armrest |
Isometrics for shoulder elevators |
Isometrics for shoulder retraction and protraction |
Isometrics for shoulder external rotation and internal rotation |
Scapular squeeze |
Shoulder and scapular muscle strengthening |
Scapular upward rotation |
15 repetitions and 2 sets, with a 1-minute break between each set with a half-kg weight cuff, and hold for 10 seconds. Shoulder range: 90˚. |
Prone lying shoulder abduction with lateral rotation in the I, Y, and T raises |
Prone lying with arms at 90˚ abduction with internal rotation |
Side-lying external rotation |
Internal rotation with the shoulder abducted to 90˚ |
Sword pulls |
Shoulder exercise in scaption |
Shoulder abduction in prone lying in a pain-free range |
Shoulder abduction in standing in a pain-free range |
2 - 4 |
Scapular muscle strengthening |
Scapular upward rotation with resistance |
25 repetitions and 3 sets, with one minute of rest between each set, using a 1.5 kg weight cuff and holding for 15 seconds. The shoulder range is above 90˚. |
Prone lying shoulder abduction with lateral rotation in I, Y, and T raises the upper, middle, and lower trapezius |
Prone lying with arms at 90˚ abduction with internal rotation for rhomboids |
Shoulder exercise in scaption |
Shoulder abduction in prone lying in the pain-free range |
Shoulder abduction in standing in the pain-free range |
Shoulder range of motion exercises |
Internal and external rotation in the scapular plane |
25 repetitions, 3 sets, and a 1-minute break between each set with full shoulder range. |
Finger ladder |
Sleeper stretch |
Arm elevation with wand |
4 - 6 |
Plyometrics |
Chair push-ups in the sitting position |
Initial 20 repetitions and progress with repetition, speed, and resistance for 3 sets with a 1-minute break between each set. |
Horizontal ladder drill push-up |
Falling push-up against a wall in standing at 90˚ abduction |
Doorway fall push-up |
Up and down ball rolls on the wall with both hands |
Weight-bearing on the wobble board |
Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation |
D1 and D2 patterns with a theraband |
D2 pattern with weight and whole body rotation from standing to a half-kneeling position |
Push-ups with a therapy ball |
Push-ups on the wobble board |