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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2024 Oct 1.
Published in final edited form as: Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 2023 Sep 1;115:105835. doi: 10.1016/j.parkreldis.2023.105835

Table 1. Correlation between speech outcomes and clinical scores in PSP.

Speech outcomes were computed from Rainbow Passage reading, 3-n back counting and sustained ‘a’ vowel phonation.

PSPRS Dysarthria PSPRS Dysphagia Bulbar Subscale Score MoCA Total
r p-value r p-value r p-value r p-value
loudness −0.333 0.347 0.091 0.803 −0.051 0.896 0.025 0.946
similarity DTW −0.539 0.108 −0.742 0.014 −0.799 0.01 * 0.006 0.986
intelligibility DTW −0.624 0.054 −0.363 0.302 −0.46 0.213 −0.02 0.959
articulatory rate −0.354 0.316 0.467 0.173 0.247 0.522 −0.17 0.633
total voiced time −0.132 0.717 −0.688 0.028 −0.672 0.047 −0.05 0.892
total pause time 0.132 0.717 −0.065 0.859 0.085 0.828 0.056 0.879
total signal time 0.305 0.391 −0.519 0.124 −0.306 0.423 0.222 0.537
speech to pause ratio 0.104 0.775 −0.195 0.59 −0.213 0.582 −0.09 0.799
number of pauses 0.083 0.819 −0.599 0.067 −0.363 0.337 0.167 0.644
mean pause length −0.118 0.746 0.532 0.113 0.341 0.37 0.123 0.734
pitch −0.097 0.79 0.078 0.831 −0.094 0.811 0.161 0.658
pitch SD −0.368 0.296 −0.013 0.972 −0.332 0.383 0.253 0.48
ratio extra words 0.437 0.207 0.817 0.004 * 0.8 0.01 * −0.04 0.919
ratio missing words 0.597 0.069 0.783 0.007 * 0.906 <0.001 * 0.009 0.98
3-n back counting r pval r pval r pval r pval
loudness −0.163 0.632 −0.072 0.834 −0.148 0.683 0.221 0.513
correct counts 0.046 0.893 0.014 0.966 −0.009 0.98 0.703 0.016
incorrect counts 0.256 0.447 0.163 0.632 0.282 0.43 0.016 0.962
ratio correct counts −0.46 0.155 −0.35 0.292 −0.517 0.126 0.46 0.155
articulatory rate 0.79 0.004 * 0.617 0.043 0.803 0.005 −0.08 0.819
total voiced time −0.336 0.312 −0.158 0.643 −0.247 0.492 0.341 0.305
total pause time 0.082 0.812 0.234 0.488 0.167 0.645 −0.34 0.312
total signal time −0.392 0.233 0.072 0.834 −0.123 0.734 −0.32 0.341
pause to speech ratio 0.133 0.698 0.311 0.352 0.259 0.469 −0.26 0.444
mean pause length 0.066 0.847 0.081 0.812 0.019 0.959 −0.3 0.379
pitch −0.515 0.105 −0.33 0.322 −0.537 0.109 0.258 0.444
pitch SD 0.025 0.941 −0.387 0.24 −0.34 0.337 0.088 0.798

In bold, correlations with a p-value <.05, * = significant after FDR correction.